
Welcome to PusherStudio

Engage with all your visitors, on their phone.
Send powerful Push Notifications straight from your website and reach all your visitors directly on their mobile device. No native app needed, just a 5 minute installation.

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You can choose a vibration pattern for the device’s vibration hardware to emit when the notification fires. At the moment, this functionality is supported by Chrome, Opera, and Samsung browsers on Android up to version O.
We will notify you when you reach 50%, 80%, and 100% of your plan’s subscriber limit, so you will have plenty of time to consider an upgrade. We will send you an alert in your user profile so you always know! If you do hit the 100% limit, we will still register new subscribers for a limited period. However, you won’t be able to send them Push Notifications. When you upgrade your plan, these ‘sleeping’ subscribers will be reactivated.
If your website already makes use of google analytics, you can add a UTM code to the landing page URL field. If you haven’t used google analytics before, make sure to properly configure it before adding UTM codes.
There can be a few reasons for this. First, check if you correctly embedded our code into your website. Next up, check if your domain is spelled correctly in the PusherStudio settings. Finally, you might have exceeded your plan limit, consider upgrading to a higher plan!
If you forgot your password, you can reset it at the login page. Simply click “forgot your password?” below the login fields and you will be sent a link to reset your password. If you still can’t login to your account, contact support at, with subject “account”.
The easiest way to unsubscribe from the Push Notifications is to clear the cache from your browser. Clear your browser cache by doing the following: 1. Open your browser 2. Go to settings 3. Find the option to clear your browser history/data 4. Delete all or recent data. After you've deleted your browser cache, you won't receive push notifications any more from the websites you've opted-in. If you ever decide to receive Push Notifications again, simply go to the website you wish to receive Push Notifications from and opt-in again.
No need to worry, you can edit the domain from the settings page and add the correct domain name. This will not affect any running operations.
Sure you can! When creating a new Push Notification, instead of send now, hit 'save notification'. The notification will be saved as a draft which you can see in the draft notifications overview. If you want to edit your draft or push it to your subscribers, click the ''edit" icon.
Yes, you can do this with our campaign feature. When you create a campaign, choose the type new subscriber event. Hereafter, you can design your drip campaign in the timeline.
The domain, on which you implement PusherStudio, will affect where your website visitors are requested to opt-in to Push Notifications. In most scenarios, you want to ask your visitors to opt-in on your homepage, which is the top-level domain. To enable Push Notifications on your website, you should first register a domain. In your PusherStudio portal, click “New domain”. You can now enter a name to recognize your domain and the URL of your domain. Click 'Save' to confirm your domain. You can now further configure your domain.


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Curabitur vitae leo vitae ipsum varius laoreet

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at ante. Mauris eleifend, quam a vulputate dictum, massa quam dapibus leo, eget vulputate orci purus ut lorem. In fringilla mi in ligula. Pellentesque aliquam quam vel dolor. Nunc adipiscin

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